sandarbh havaala example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण

Given are the examples of hindi word sandarbh havaala usage in english sentences. The examples of sandarbh havaala are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., reference.

A ratio is a mathematical number calculated as a reference to relationship of two or more numbers and can be expressed as a fraction, proportion, percentage, and a number of times.

ocabulary enrichment has been attempted through a variety of tasks on the usage of words closely related in meaning, matching words to meanings, word building (including phrasal verbs), and reference to the dictionary.
This field is a foreign key to reference CatId field of AccountType table.
This column refers to any date reference given in the support document.
In psychology, the focus is on the interdependence between the environment and people, as the environment becomes meaningful with reference to the human beings who live in it.
The websites indicated at the end of the book could be used for additional reference material.
It is not surprising given the fact that their study material includes comic books and they use their textbooks for reference to put things into perspective.
Do you notice a reference to the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) in the news collage on this page? This was in the context of the riots in Gujarat in 200 A large number of cases were filed in the courts against those accused of rioting and massacre of nearly 2000 persons, mostly Muslims.
Do you remember a little reference made earlier to General Bachelet's daughter who was imprisoned and tortured along with her mother? That girl, Michelle Bachelet (pronounced Mishel Bashelet), was elected President of Chile in January 200 A medical doctor and a moderate socialist, Michelle became the first woman to be a Defence Minister in Latin America.
It adopts the same production regime, but offers a wider option in location with reference to factors like source of raw materials, ports, hinterland facilities, availability of technological skills, existence of an industrial base and the need for a larger area of land for the project.
संबंधित शब्द संदर्भ हवाला के पर्यायवाची